Unnati Loan

Grameen Unnati is a business loan envisaged for graduated group lending customers who currently have running business. These loans would be given to a member in her individual capacity and Group guarantee would not be applicable for these loans . Grameen Unnati loan is meant to meet the customer’s business funding requirements such as capital investment for purchase of inventory, machinery, or working capital for business expansion.
Loan Amount:
Clients can avail loans between Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 2,50,000/-
Rate of Interest:
To view the interest rate, please click here.
Minimum 12 months to maximum 36 months depending on the loan amount.
Unnati Supplementary Loan

Grameen Unnati Supplementary Loan is envisaged to provide additional credit facility to members who require working capital for business, livestock maintenance, home improvement needs, or for any other consumption purposes. It will serve the short term credit needs of Unnati Loan members.
Loan Amount:
Clients can avail loans between Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 75,000/-
Rate of Interest:
To view the interest rate, please click here.
Minimum 12 months to maximum 24 months depending on the loan amount.